The Digital Artist Digest

The Digital Artist Digest is a convenient summary that offers a straightforward glimpse into a digital artist's journey over the past 30 days. It presents a concise narrative, capturing the essence of IJWBAA creative endeavors in an easily digestible format. With brevity as its strength, The Digital Artist Digest provides a condensed overview, highlighting the key moments and achievements of IJWBAA's recent artistic exploration. It serves as a convenient resource for anyone seeking a quick and informative update on the digital artist's story.

Year 2024

Lately, I’ve been navigating some challenges on social media, including interactions that didn’t go as I hoped. While it’s never easy when enthusiasm is misunderstood, I’m choosing to view these experiences as opportunities for growth. A poet friend recently commented, ‘Welcome to the bad blood series,’ reminding me that such experiences are common in the art world. I’m focused on learning from these moments and using them to propel myself forward. Thank you to everyone who continues to support and inspire me. Onward and upward!. | Aug 2024

It feels surreal to receive invitations to publish my work in magazines; it’s truly overwhelming. I need to create a variety of new digital artworks for these publications. Months ago, I delved into the expansive realm of digital art, creating new works in generative art and photography (not intended for commercial use). Through these creations, I sought to explore and narrate the boundless stories this medium has to offer. I'm grateful that a renowned art collector in the Philippines has reserved copies of my books for his collection. I plan to republish new copies of my books sometime in November or December. Weeks later, I had a featured interview with Digital Arts Blogs in New York and showcased my works on OncyberIO as part of this interview. Unfortunately, I forgot to bookmark and add the Incognito charity show in Australia to my iPad calendar. So, I forgot to send my artworks to them. I reached out to the organizers and informed them that I will participate in 2025 instead and they said, “Yes, we will send an email sometime in January or February. | July 2024

I chose to interview with Ukraine because I deeply value life and stand firmly against war. Reflecting on my published interview by Artwork Gallery, I realize the incredible journey I've undertaken and feel immense gratitude for persevering through numerous challenges. Every effort has been worth it. The interview is followed by a virtual reality show presented by the gallery. Additionally, on the 19th, there will be a charity show "Sophie's Postcard 2024" benefiting those suffering from cancer, a cause close to my heart. I am passionate about using art for charitable causes, and it brings me great joy to help people through my creative work. I opted not to accept the art collector's offer for a commissioned painting, as I'm unsure if I can fulfill his expectations. I reached out to him via Instagram DM to express my concerns. | June 2024

I battled flu-like symptoms for a week, but with the right medication, diet, rest, and sleep, I eventually bounced back. To top it off, Dolor Magazine in New York released their 10th edition featuring an interview with me. I also participated in the "Fraction" exhibit at Fox Yard Studio in the UK. After many years, I finally witnessed the golden hour at the shore in San Juan La Union. Additionally, I delivered another batch of my books to the Art World Database in the UK. I am grateful that my books will be included in the permanent collections of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (MACM) in Montréal, Québec, Canada, and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, Spain. | May 2024

Best birthday gift ever! My books were acknowledged and embraced by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, Japan. I celebrated my birthday at 100 Islands Pangasinan. Plus, my featured interview in the 'Order' book is now out in the UK. Despite the inevitable hurdles of an artist's journey, including rejections and challenges, I'm resolute in my commitment to keep going. In April 2024, following the acceptance of my books 'I Just Wannabe An Artist' (both book 1 & 2) by the National Library of the Philippines, I garnered recognition from esteemed institutions worldwide such as the British Library, Library of Congress, and Asia Art Archive. Additionally, the National Museum of the Philippines and Bibliotheca Alexandrina also acknowledged and included my works just a few days later. Leading up to this month, my interviews and book features appeared in The Global Filipino Magazine, The Flux Review, and Suburban Utopia, An Infertile Place. Furthermore, I actively participated in the 'Earth Hour' movement, advocating for climate change awareness with my contribution titled 'Lit Off'. | March & April 2024

The Year of the Dragon approaches swiftly, marking the advent of Chinese New Year on the 10th. Following that, I eagerly anticipate presenting my art and participating in an interview on the 12th along 5th Avenue in New York with Dolor Magazine – a privilege for which I am deeply grateful. I exhibited "Luningning" in the UK via Metaspace Gallery, a homage to women in the arts. As I engage with social media, I've resolved to connect exclusively with individuals who genuinely support my art through commissions, book sales, and various publications such as interviews, magazines, and websites. I'm thrilled to announce that the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) has accepted my compilation of artworks in the form of books into their collection: "I Just Wannabe an Artist" (books 1 and 2). I am grateful for this incredible honor and opportunity to share my art with a wider audience. | Feb 2024

I started the Year of the Dragon 2024 with a new book, "Everybodywiki," and an art show in the UK. However, challenges persist, such as delayed painting commissions, difficulties in securing artist representation, and rejected art show applications. | Jan 2024

Year 2023

My artwork received recognition on various prestigious platforms, including magazines like Opulent Art and The Arches Project Org, databases like Artfacts, and online features such as Agimat: Sining at Kulturang Pinoy and Creative Manila. Additionally, I was interviewed by Insights of an Eco Artist. This positive momentum in showcasing my art suggests that more exciting opportunities are on the horizon as I continue to grow and evolve in my artistic endeavors. It's encouraging to see my work being acknowledged and appreciated, paving the way for further avenues to explore and share my passion for art with a broader audience. | Dec 2023

What a thrill! My artwork is being published in an art book, and I'm ecstatic! Plus, there's an interview lined up in Portugal after I answered their Q&A. Two artist databases, Art World Database UK/SG and Artist Database US, have featured my portfolio. The art journey is taking me to places I never imagined. My collaboration with a UK-based art gallery concluded. Although the art competitions I entered didn't yield the expected results, it seems minimalist figurative pop art faces tough odds in these competitions. Perhaps it's time to reconsider participating in them. Nevertheless, the horizon looks promising, and I'm eager to embrace the opportunities ahead. | Nov 2023

After taking several weeks for introspection and gaining a deeper understanding of the art collector's request, I decided to revise the draft. I shared the updated version with the collector via Instagram direct message, and it was received with increased appreciation. The collector even expressed interest in reserving the draft for a future project. Unfortunately, I received news that I did not win the art competitions I had entered, which was disheartening. Nevertheless, I promptly provided the required materials for the November 2023 edition of Opulent Art Gallery UK's art magazine and Goddessarts Magazine in Germany for their January 2024 issue. Additionally, I ventured into traditional, non-digital art by creating Uno, my first paper-based drawing using a graphite pencil. | Oct 2023

On September 19th, I faced the sting of rejection from a prominent art collector, turning what had initially been a promising vision for my artwork into a disappointing setback. The excitement I had once felt, like a bright screen in a dark room, now dimmed into uncertainty. However, a few days later, I received an invitation from The Arches Project Organization to showcase my work in an international art magazine titled "Hidden Talents" in the United Kingdom this December 2023. Interestingly, among the five images selected by the magazine publisher and art curators, one featured "Toto." Consequently, I reached out to the art collector to inquire whether he would like his nickname, "Toto," and a brief description as "a prominent art collector in the Philippines," to be included in the magazine. Fortunately, Dr. Toto graciously responded with, "Please proceed. It's an honor. Thank you." | Sept 2023

This August brought forth numerous opportunities for me. My dream of being featured in an international magazine came true with my inclusion in Tokyo's 365 Art Plus Magazine, which showcased a vibrant red Pagani sports car—a personal favorite of mine—on the cover. Additionally, I had the honor of being interviewed by Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art, a prestigious international art magazine based in Barcelona, Spain, and my interview is now permanently featured on their website. Moreover, I participated in The Louvre Museum and Uniqlo collaborative design competition, along with another international competition hosted by Poster Heroes Org. I am hopeful that my artworks will be selected as finalists or even win a prize in these competitions. On the marketing front, I've designed stickers featuring my published artworks for collectors to enjoy. Furthermore, I've been diligently creating and submitting new artworks for international open calls, aiming for their acceptance into upcoming exhibitions. | Aug 2023

Over the past few months, my artistic journey has been fueled by art commissions and digital prints. This inspired me to invest in an iPad 10th generation, which has allowed me to expand and refine my digital artistry using a range of innovative applications. I'm thankful that I've successfully overcome my stomach illness by adopting a healthier lifestyle, maintaining a proper diet, and engaging in regular exercise. | July 2023

I actively engaged in numerous artistic opportunities worldwide, participating in open calls, shows, exhibits, competitions, and submitting to magazines. While some accepted my work, others did not. Additionally, I created digital artworks that are awaiting publication. Recently, I had the pleasure of delivering my first commissioned painting to art collectors in BGC, Philippines, using Lalamove. As a gesture of appreciation, I included complimentary items—a Pamilya art print and a copy of my first book. Alongside these accomplishments, I maintained sales of my book and dedicated time to planning and brainstorming ideas for future art exhibits. | June 2023

I created a book that showcases all of my artworks from the time I began until the end of 2022. Published by PhotoBook, I was thrilled to see copies being sold. As a new artist, I received incredible support from art collectors in the Philippines. It was particularly gratifying when Dr. Gerard "Toto" Salgado, a prominent art collector, purchased a copy of my book. This moment filled me with inspiration and motivated me to continue my artistic journey. | May 2023

I had a memorable birthday celebration with my brother, whom I hadn't seen since the pandemic began. Art galleries suggested transforming my digital art into acrylic paintings, and I received numerous email notifications about inquiries, commissions, upcoming art shows, and exhibitions. I was also thrilled to receive my very first commission for an acrylic painting on canvas from a respected art collector in the Philippines. | April 2023

I was excited by the engaging art fairs and exhibitions in the Philippines, where I received inquiries about my art. Additionally, I received email notifications for upcoming shows and exhibitions, and had the opportunity to participate in online international art shows organized by galleries in the United Kingdom. | March 2023

As I pursued inquiries, art galleries began to take notice of my work, leading to notifications about art shows and exhibitions. Additionally, I secured commissions for digital art prints, made NFT sales, and received numerous inquiries and commissions for my artwork. | Feb 2023

This year, I embarked on my artistic journey with a clear plan. I reached out to art galleries, applied to participate in exhibitions, art fairs, and biennales, and explored artist representation opportunities with various galleries. | Jan 2023

Year 2022

During the Christmas season, I enjoyed a well-deserved vacation and traveled to Baguio City, where I appreciated its scenic beauty and immersed myself in its artistic atmosphere. After celebrating New Year's at the beach with loved ones, I returned to creating more digital artworks and fulfilling commissions that continue to fuel my artistic journey. | Dec 2022

After facing health challenges, I took a needed break to prioritize my well-being, giving myself time to rest and recover. Once I regained my strength, I eagerly resumed creating art. I also dedicated time to researching and exploring alternative ways to connect with art collectors and buyers, seeking meaningful opportunities to showcase my work. | Nov 2022

With increasing recognition of my artistic talent, I found joy in selling my NFTs and taking on commissioned projects. These experiences fueled my determination to persist and continue creating. To foster further growth and connection, I actively participated in online social and artist communities, immersing myself in a supportive environment that nurtured my creativity and encouraged me to reach new artistic heights. | Oct 2022

Motivated by my passion, I continued to create a variety of captivating NFTs, pushing the boundaries of my artistic expression. Alongside these achievements, I encountered the harsh reality of being scammed by unscrupulous marketers online, which taught me valuable lessons in navigating the digital landscape. Undeterred, I persevered and reached milestones such as completing my website and building a strong presence on various social media platforms. This solidified my commitment to sharing my art with the world. | Sept 2022

The day I rediscovered my passion for the arts was transformative, igniting a flame within me to embark on a creative journey. From crafting captivating digital artworks to exploring the realm of NFTs, establishing a robust social media presence, and designing an engaging website, each step solidified my commitment to transforming my artistic dreams into reality. | Aug 2022


Year 2024 Summary: Over the past year, I've experienced both rewarding and challenging times. My books featuring my artworks have been recognized by prestigious institutions worldwide, including museums and libraries, and I've been featured in books and magazines from various countries. However, I've also faced struggles such as not winning art competitions, encountering rejections from local art gallery exhibits, dealing with mental and health issues, and experiencing setbacks with some art projects. Despite these ups and downs, I continue to push forward, celebrating milestones like birthdays in interesting places and participating in meaningful movements like Earth Hour. I am dedicated to evolving as an artist and sharing my work with as wide an audience as possible.

Year 2023 Summary: This year has been a thrilling journey for my art! It gained significant recognition—featured in magazines, showcased in exhibitions worldwide, published in books, and even included in prestigious databases. Partnering with galleries in the UK and Asia promises an exciting path ahead. Of course, there were some disappointments, like not winning certain competitions, but that's part of the journey, isn't it? I persisted, securing features in magazines, exploring new traditional art methods, and successfully getting my work into print. The highs and lows have all contributed to a year of tremendous growth in my artistic journey, paving the way for an even more exciting future in the art world!

Year 2022 Summary: I embarked on a deeply transformative artistic journey. It all began in August when I rediscovered my passion, sparking a creative odyssey that encompassed various facets. This path led me to delve into digital art, explore the world of NFTs, and build a robust online presence. Throughout the year, I faced my share of challenges, including a scam in September. However, I chose to persevere, using these setbacks as opportunities for growth and ultimately completing my website. By October, I began receiving well-deserved recognition, achieved successful NFT sales, and connected with supportive artistic communities. November offered a much-needed period of self-care and recovery, rejuvenating my enthusiasm for art. December provided a chance to unwind as I traveled to Baguio City and enjoyed festive celebrations, marking the culmination of a year defined by artistic expansion and exploration.


Hi, I'm Pao aka IJWBAA. I'm a digital artist, painter, and a book author from the Philippines. If you enjoyed reading this you might like to read also:

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