Will you Destroy Your Artwork to Turn It into an NFT?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are blockchain-based cryptographic assets having unique identifiers and metadata that identify them from one another. NFTs have gained popularity during the past decade. Artists and collectors have generated millions of dollars from tokens depicting bored apes, still photographs, and illustrations.

Are NFTs The Future For The Art World?

The expansion of digital environments has not only given rise to lifelike digital avatars, but also to new methods of digital ownership. As a result, the newly emerging internet market has altered traditional methods for creating and asserting ownership over digital goods. Since 2021, when $69 million in NFTs were sold, the scope of NFT art has expanded dramatically. The sale of a digital artist known as Beeple's artwork as a non-fungible token (NFT) caused significant ripples in the crypto sphere. Consequently, numerous NFT artists have produced one-of-a-kind works with unimaginable financial returns.

However, the excitement surrounding the NFT art scene raises a number of significant questions that require answers. Will NFT fundamentally change the art industry by digitizing every item of physical art? How will NFTs earn the confidence of art collectors and artists as representations of original art? Let's find out what NFTs mean for the future of the art industry in the debate that follows.

Is NFT Art a Feasible Proposition?

NFTs' unique features can answer this and the previous question. Some NFT work has sold for unimaginable amounts, while others average $200. Why would an artist try NFTs?

If you want a Mona Lisa portrait in your living room, search Google for high-resolution images and print them on canvas. Your living room now has a classic at absolutely no cost. However, consider whether the Mona Lisa in your living room is original. If so, your living room portrait looks like every other Mona Lisa copy. NFT-based art is unique and yours alone.

NFTs' peculiarity makes an NFT art platform promising. NFT artists give buyers a certificate of authenticity. The NFT proves that only the buyer owns the artwork. Thus, NFTs can scarcity-drive artwork value.

NFTs' blockchain and crypto features also affect art utilization. Decentralized non-fungible tokens allow artists to market their work without authorization. NFT cryptographic security protects NFT art ownership. NFTs offers numerous distinct benefits to the art world. Will they change art?

New Methods of Producing and Collecting Art

Understanding how NFTs will spawn new artists and art collectors is crucial to establishing the future of NFT art. Younger folks are excelling in NFT. Digital-native artists aged 12–15 are making a lot of money selling NFTs.

Victor Langlois, known as "FEWOCiOUS," is one of the best new NFT artists. The 18-year-old transgender NFT artist sold five NFTs with Christie's for $2.16 million in June 2021. The next generation of NFT artists and collectors should also be identified. Auction houses researching the NFT market struggle to find what the new collectors want. Buyers come and shop from NFT art platforms for unknown reasons. Buyers of NFT art often intend to resell them for a fortune.

Some people buy NFT paintings for social media status. Most NFT artwork buyers use cryptocurrencies, therefore art galleries can benefit from virtual currency integrations. Auction houses and art galleries can also profit from NFTs.


Non-fungible tokens or NFTs offer the art world numerous advantageous value propositions. First, they facilitate the representation of genuine art in the form of code on a blockchain. In addition, an NFT art platform provides the assurance of verifiable proof of ownership. In addition, you should see how NFTs enable artists to receive equitable compensation for their labor.

NFTs also provide buyers with the benefits of transparency and safe ownership of artworks. NFTs allow artists who have battled for ages to enter the traditional art market to explore new entrance points. In simple terms, NFTs present the art world with intriguing potential, albeit with environmental impact problems. Explore in depth the universe of NFTs and the artistic potential of their future.


Hi, I'm Pao aka IJWBAA. I'm a digital artist, painter, and a book author from the Philippines. If you enjoyed reading this you might like to read also:





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